Case Converter

This is an easy to use tool that enables you to convert case. In order to use the tool, write or paste text, you want to convert case and click on ‘Generate’ button.

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Case Converter


Case Converter is a handy online tool that allows you to convert the case of your text with just a few clicks. Whether you need to convert your text to uppercase, lowercase, title case, sentence case, or even invert the case, this tool has got you covered.


This simple yet powerful tool provides an easy way to transform the case of your text without the need for manual editing or complex programming. It saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on the more important aspects of your work.




The Case Converter tool offers several options for converting the case of your text:


1. Uppercase: This option converts all the letters in your text to uppercase. It is useful when you want to emphasize certain words or make your text stand out.


2. Lowercase: This option converts all the letters in your text to lowercase. It is helpful when you want to normalize the case of your text or make it easier to read.


3. Title Case: This option converts the first letter of each word in your text to uppercase, while the rest of the letters remain lowercase. It is commonly used for titles, headings, and proper nouns.


4. Sentence Case: This option converts the first letter of the first word in each sentence to uppercase, while the rest of the letters remain lowercase. It is suitable for converting text that is in all uppercase or all lowercase to a more readable format.


5. Invert Case: This option converts uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa. It is useful when you want to create a unique style or simply want to experiment with the appearance of your text.


Using the Case Converter tool is easy and straightforward. Simply paste your text into the provided input box, select the desired conversion option, and click the "Convert" button. The converted text will be displayed in the output box, ready for you to copy and use in your work.


The Case Converter tool also allows you to convert multiple lines of text at once. It preserves the line breaks, ensuring that the structure and formatting of your text are maintained throughout the conversion process.


In addition to the conversion options, the Case Converter tool provides a "Clear" button that allows you to remove the text from both the input and output boxes with a single click. This feature comes in handy when you want to start fresh or make changes to your text.


In conclusion, the Case Converter tool is a valuable asset for anyone who needs to convert the case of their text. It offers a range of conversion options, is easy to use, and saves you time and effort. Give it a try and experience the convenience it brings to your text manipulation tasks.